Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Now & Then- AGAIN!

She's back, I'm back!

I seriously can't believe I haven't blogged since 2011. I can definitely say a lot has happened since then, A LOT!

When I pulled my blog back up I had to revisit some old post that really showed me I have missed writing. I left a few post from way back when but kind of wanted to start fresh. So,let's start with a little at a time. I have a lot of good stories to share, that are now funny, not so much when they happened. I know the anticipation is killing you!

So,  my last post in 2011 was about my fairytale relationship I was in, *insert* cough/laugh/eye roll. I really did just laugh out loud,  I'm sorry the post  was so ridiculous and sappy I couldn't leave it on this site. Let's just say that my "fairytale" "Prince Charming" turned out to be; a 44 year old grown man with no ambition or goals. He lived in Texas for 6 months before he decided that he was going to high tail it back to California to never be heard from again. I will say that the last thing he said was probably the ONLY truthful thing that ever came out of his mouth "You deserve better than me" had I not been in pure shock after coming home from work and hearing him say "I am going back to California" I might have said "Damn straight, I do - don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya" but instead I just stood there and didn't say anything cause I felt like silence was what he deserved AND that is all I am going to say about that cause that literally was 2 1/2 years ago and there have been SO  many more moments of "did that really just happen" since then that I can't wait to share.

So, as I was catching up on my old post I ran across this one, Now & Then. I really do think God has a sense of humor, I wrote "However, I wonder if I will have the patience for dating at 36." I think my first mistake was to put it out in the universe "I wonder" it wasn't a request for a test in patience but it has turned out to be such. HA! If I didn't have the patience at 36, I am hear to tell you I know I don't at 39 1/2. It has been a very hurtful, lonely, confusing, comical ride.

What hasn't changed in the last 3 years?

" I might not understand the rules of dating but this is what I do know. I have experienced life full throttle and it isn't even close to being over. I am a tall strong confident beautiful woman and I have a lot to offer.. They are going to treat me like the great woman I am."

So, one would think that men would be more mature in my age range, HA! I am here to tell you that chivalry is on the side of the road somewhere dying and someone needs to find it, throw it on a gurney, resuscitate it before it DIES!!!

One thing I have learned on this ride is that the Lord knows my heart and the cuts and bruises that are deep and I believe the rejection closed doors are there to protect me from another idiot guy from coming into my life and hurting me even deeper. I am thankful for that protection and love that he has fo rme. It has taken me awhile to see it that way, but I am glad I have finally arrived at that mind-set and revelation.

Well, my dating disasters journey won't be the only stories I will share here. I have a beautiful daughter that is now 14 *GASP* that I love talking about and of course I work in the world of HR/Talent Management where people do the craziest things!! So stay tuned cause I got a lot more coming your way!

I will close tonight with a way back when post that will be sure to make you laugh - Gas Stations


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